Sunday, December 23, 2012

Lincoln (2012): Daniel Day Lewis, Tommy Lee Jones, Sally Field

Lincoln is a masterpiece film about President Abraham Lincoln's final months of presidency during the second term.  The year is January 1865, and the war rages on between the Confederate Army,  comprised of 11 southern slave states, and the Northern Union states. 

Plus - Movie Created Need to Refresh Memory of the Civil War: Civil War Background - not explained in the film- sets the stage for understanding Lincoln's primary objectives.   The 11 southern states mission was to separate from the United States and become the Confederate States of America.  Thus, ensued an ugly war between cousin versus cousin and brother versus brother killing 600K by 1865. Think of Gone with the Wind, the novel and the infamous movie.   Lincoln in the second term of his Presidency must end the war.  The creation of the 13th Amendment was to end slavery.   The passage of the 13th Amendment was paramount in ending the horrors of bondage and keeping the United States united.  If Lincoln, ended the war, without the signage of the 13th Amendment, slavery would remain intact as the southern states would continue to oppose ending slavery.  Lincoln, a savvy politician, knew how to work within the Republican party, with the Democratic party and with those in both parties opposing the passage of this crucial amendment.  Upon ending the war, after the signing of the 13 Amendment, the slaves were free, the southern states were not punished and the United States was united as one.

The movie, Lincoln, was a reflection of how this one man changed the course of history.  Daniel Day Lewis, Lincoln, was brilliant at capturing the essence of Lincoln from the physical appearance and powerful presence, to capturing the tone of his voice (scholars recorded Lincoln's voice style) to how eloquently and thoughtfully he motivated and persuaded others to do his will.   Lincoln exhibited grace and a mastery in communication skills both written and verbal.   The performance was showstopping unforgettable.  Frankly, Lewis, stole the show from start to finish.  The remaining members of the cast were a bit blah and rather comical.  Unfortunately, the script for these secondary characters was weak. 

Saw this movie several weeks ago.   Today, December 23, 2012, the lasting impression of the film was Lewis's portrayal of Lincoln.   A true leader and one that is remembered and continues to this day to be admired and revered.    Lewis is Oscar bound for this stunning and mind blowing performance.   A one man play for Broadway should be in the works!

January 13, 2013:  Daniel Day-Lewis won Best Actor Action Motion Picture Drama at the 70th Golden Globes award show.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Skyfall (2012): Daniel Craig, Javier Bardem, Judy Dench

Skyfall is a fast pace retro James Bond cinema feat which poignantly celebrates the James Bond 50th year film franchise.   The movie is slick, darker than others with throwback gadgets and an older and craggy looking Bond.  For that matter, the tuxes, snow scenes or water antics with gorgeous women, martini's, casino's and colorful venues are sadly limited in this film.   However, this is precisely on point, since the film focuses on Bond's, Daniel Craig, death and subsequently resurrection to save boss M, Judy Dench, from the terrorists. Perhaps the idea was too kill off the debonair, delightfully suited and sexy Bond and revive the franchise with the "real" James Bond from the books who apparently is a tough and a harden killer spy.  Or so I have been told by an avid Bond fan.

Fresh faces add variety to the film.   Ralph Fiennes, Gareth Mollory, is a fussy man in charge of MI6 and wants M to retire due to her ripe old age. The youthful new Q, Ben Whishaw, is clever and quick witted to equal Bond's curiosity with handy gadgets and intelligent repertoire.  Naomi Harris, Eve, is a willowy and stunning beauty with a silky British voice who is Bond's right hand while chasing the villain.  Berenice Marlohe, Severine, is drop dead gorgeous, mesmerizing and the connection to the Bond's evil nemesis.   Just who is the villain in Skyfall?   The mastermind is Javier Bardem, Silva, a diabolical terrorist, once a MI6 agent, now turned, who is hilarious though eerily freaky with blond hair.  Brilliant performance.  

All and all, Skyfall, is GREAT fun, a renewal towards a more serious Bond rivaling Sean Connery.  This James Bond is similar to Jason Bourne or perhaps the upcoming action hero Jack Reacher.  Even though the Bond resurrection is a new phase in the franchise, the lavish sets, showstopping clothes, jewelry along with vivid action packed scenes set in Monaco with a debonair woman chasing Bond is missed.  Bet's are on James Bond novel and earlier film aficionados will enjoy this flick immensely.  Yes, Skyfall is a "martini shaken but not stirred".  Hopefully, the new film franchise is not moving towards, "Give me a beer please with a lime squeeze".

Friday, November 9, 2012

Flight (2012): Denzel Washington; Don Cheadle; John Goodman, Bruce Greenwood, Kelly Reilly

Flight is an action packed thriller focusing on a frightening airline crash and its aftermath.  The film opens with Denzel Washington, Whip Whittaker, an alcohol and cocaine abuser, arriving to pilot the plane on just an "ordinary day".  102 passengers are safely buckled in as the plane soars into a violent storm while traveling from Florida to Georgia.   The turbulence scenes sends chills down the spine as the plane maneuvers through the benevolent lightening, rain and ominous clouds.

Whip, a seasoned airline pilot, miraculously lands the plane after a flight malfunction and is declared a hero, saving almost all aboard.  However, questions arise, which leads to the confrontation of a personal battle as well as solving the mystery of landing. Bruce Greenwood, Charlie Anderson, is Whip's friend and the represents the airline union.  Don Cheadle, Hugh Lang, is brilliant as the tough and gifted lawyer representing Whip.  Kelly Reilly, Nicole, is Whip's love interest with a common bond.  Of course, John Goodman, is downright hilarious as Harling Mays, a drug dripping supplier, creating comic relief to this messy tale.  

Flight is a well told story with believable actors, Washington at his best, that grips the audience from start to finish.  Of course, afterwards the thought of flying will be questioned and of course, the self destructive behavior in the flick definitely leaves one squeamish.  All and all a thought-provoking, fast action and memorable film.  Not for the "fear of flying" crowd!  Nor, will the film EVER be seen on an in-flight airplane!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Argo (2012): Ben Affleck, Bryan Cranston, Alan Arkin, John Goodman

The year is 1979 and the President is Jimmy Carter.  On November 4, 1979, an angry mob overtook the U.S. Embassy in Tehran, taking 60 Americans hostage and holding them for 444 days.   Within minutes of  President Ronald Reagan, being sworn into office, the hostages were finally released. 

Argo is a film based on a true event during the Iranian crisis, in which six Americans on this terrifying day escaped to the Canadian ambassador's home.   In 1980, CIA and Canada, knowing that it was a matter of time before the six are found and killed choreographed a mission to remove them under the guise of making a "fake" film.  Tony Mendez, Ben Affleck, CIA extraction specialist, leads the charge in orchestrating the mission. The six are frightened of leaving since outside the screaming mob reigns terror with hangings, killing and rampant chaos. Under Mendez persuasive skills, these six Americans obtain new identities with roles in a movie production such as camera man, director etc. Bryan Cranston as Jack O'Donnell is eerily like his tough character on  AMC's Breaking Bad.

Argo from beginning to end is a gut wrenching, nail biting and edge of the seat ordeal.  The heart will race with fear and the mind will fill with outright indignation and sheer outrage of this horrific situation.   The comic relief is Lester Siegel, Alan Arkin and John Chambers, John Goodman in ritzy Hollywood developing a fake office, fake movie releases, story boards and posters supporting the CIA mission. 

Ben Affleck, directed the film.  Argo, while dark and suspenseful reminds us of the frailty of the human condition and how irrational hatred can force man to the tipping point of insanity.  If there is one film to see this year - Argo is this movie. It is aptly fitting.

Sit through the movie credits to see the actual six Americans and the key players in this CIA operation.

Historian Gaddis Smith, "the crisis absorbed more concentrated effort by American officials and had more extensive coverage on television and in the press than any other event since World War II."

Monday, June 25, 2012

Moonrise Kingdom (2012): Edward Norton, Bruce Willis, Bill Murray, Kara Hayward, Frances McDormand, Jared Gilman

Moonrise Kingdom is a delightful, quirky and funny film set in 1965.  The film takes place on an island where Suzy, Kara Hayward, is on summer vacation and Sam, Jared Kilman, is at Camp Ivanhoe, where Scout Master Ward, Edward Norton, is the military leader with a big heart.   The plot is about two young children on the cusp of adulthood who experience first love and eagerly set out on an adventure unbeknownst to Suzy's eccentric lawyer speaking parents. Suzy, a serious soul, loves to read adventure books outloud and Sam is a wayward Khaki Scout/Beige, under Ward's military regime, on a mission to be with Suzy using Daniel Boone wilderness skills.  When discovered missing by Ward, Island Policeman, Bruce Willis, Suzy's not in love parents, Walt Bishop, Bill Murray, Laura Bishop, Frances McDormand, all wake up from dysfunctional lives as the wacky story unfolds.

Wes Anderson, director and writer, along with Roman Coppola, of Moonrise Kingdom has done it again!  If a fan of The Royal Tenenbaums, Fantastic Mr. Fox  and The Darjeeling Limited - Moonrise Kingdom aptly reigns amongst these hit films.  The cinematography is simple and a flashback to old style film making, such as A Christmas Story, while including an exemplary well honed comedic script combined with superb acting from a riveting cast.

1950, 1960 and 1970 adolescents will revel in memories of the playing in the woods, going to camp, following the rules, listening to music together, reading books and learning how to become adults and to survive the game of life.   The absence of cell phones, computers, video games, television and Facebook is refreshing and gratifyingly familiar.   Instead children interact with one another, entertain themselves and utimately learn self reliance and independence.

Moonrise Kingdom, is a zany and oddball movie, that warms the heart and is hysterically funny. A must see film that will be watched over and over again for years to come.  There are small cameos from Jason Schwartzman, Harvey Keitel and Tilda Swinton adding extra wit and fun to this absurd yet real montage of a different, yet simpler and perhaps wiser and more creative time period.  So, turn off the cell phone, but away the Ipad and all the other gadgets that fog the brain and enjoy a flashback down memory lane. Perhaps this movie is the start of something....One could only hope.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Les Miserables Trailer (Christmas 2012): Hugh Jackman, Anne Hathaway, Russell Crowe, Amanda Seyfried, Sacha Baron Cohen, Helena Bonham Carter

Les Misérables is a classic novel written in 1862 by French novelist, Victor Hugo.  The book is considered one of the greatest novels of the nineteenth century.  The title is translated from French into The Miserable, The Wretched and The Victims.   The story takes place in 1815 and culminates in 1832. The novel follows the lives of several French characters, focusing primarily on the struggles of ex-convict Jean Valjean and his experience of redemption.

Les Misérables has been a beloved stage musical around the world for years.  This Christmas 2012, be prepared for a film that will touch hearts, examine laws of nature and grace, architecture of Paris, politics, justice, moral philosophy and romantic and familial love.  All the trappings of an Oscar bound film.  The incredible cast includes Hugh Jackman, Jean Valijean and Anne Hathaway as Fantine.   Others include:   Russell Crowe, Amanda Seyfried, Sacha Bohen Cohen and Helena Bonham Carter.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

The Hunger Games (2012): Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hatcherson, Liam Hemsworth, Woody Harrelson, Elizabeth Banks, Stanley Tucci, Lenny Kravitz

The Hunger Games is a riveting tale of sixteen-year-old Katniss, played by Jennifer Lawrence, and Petta, Josh Hutcherson, who live in District 12, a dismal, grey and poor environment where daily existence is a struggle for the community. Liam Hemsworth, Gale, is Katness's best friend. Food is a constant worry in the 12th District of the country, Panem, a post apocalyptic world. A world now without war, a world supposedly at peace and a world where there is a visible undercurrent of mankind's seven deadly sins casting an evil spell.  In contrast to the Districts, the Capitol is a thriving metropolis that holds the power over the twelve outlying districts and nation. President Snow, Donald Sutherland, plays a calm and diabolical leader who enjoys the power, beauty and luxury goods reaped off of the backs of the Districts.  The women and men living in the Capitol are brightly hued in garish apparel, self absorbed and arrogant while partaking in the fruits of luxury.

Snow, oversees an annual lottery where two youths, 12-18 years of age, are chosen from each district to participate in a "reality" televised show, The Hunger Games, in which only one will survive.  The Capitol residents eagerly anticipate the games, a diversion from their pompous and self righteous world, whereas the people of the Districts watch in fear of death and with the excitement of a possible win. Elizabeth Banks, is terrific as Effie, wearing an outlandish vibrant pink outfit, pink hair and with painted bow lips similar to the Red Queen in Tim Burton's, Alice and WonderlandStanley Tucci, Caesar, is a clone of Ryan Seacrest from American IdolWoody Harrelson, Haymitch, plays a drunk and bored coach to the District 12 contestants - Katness & Peeta.  Lenny Kravitz, Cinna, a stylist and friend.

The film is violent, thought provoking, Lostlike and Twilightesq between Katness, Peeta and Gale.  The games are eerily reminiscent of a Roman gladiator arena where the audiences applauded and cheered on multiple deaths and victory.  The back stories of the contestants for the The Hunger Games is no different than reality TV shows in 2012 where drama and soap opera antics have audiences clinging to ever word and scene. Finally, the drastic lifestyles between the poverty stricken Districts and the materialistic Capitol of Panem could signal a revolt in the future.  The next two films in the The Hunger Games, trilogy series by Suzanne Collins, will surely answer the question.  Captivating film from beginning to end.

"Hope tis the only thing stronger than fear. A little hope is effective.  A lot of hope is dangerous."  "Hope" President Snow

Monday, February 13, 2012

Hugo (2011): Asa Butterfield, Chloe Grace Moretz, Christopher Lee, Ben Kingsley, Sacha Baron Cohen, Jude Law

Hugo is an enthralling tale about an orphan, Hugo, Butterfield, his late father, Law, and a mysterious broken automaton holding the answer to the past and unbeknownst to him the future. Hugo a young orphan fixes the clocks and gadgets in a Paris train station during the 1930's.  The various clocks keeping time in the train station provide the perfect windows to watch the bustling station activity, creating a story within a story as the viewer follows the Station Instructor, Cohen, chasing after orphans, or the woman sipping espresso with an unfriendly dog.  Yet, the main interaction in the film is between a robot automaton, a cranky toy shop owner, George, Kingsley, and Isabelle, Moretz, who befriends lonely Hugo.  As the story unfolds, Hugo states that "movies are the projection of dreams" setting the stage to marvel at the historical film making by George Melies (1861-1938) French Illusionist & Filmmaker, while solving the puzzle of the automaton and ultimately "fixing" the emptiness of the core players.  His skills with tools and making the clocks work parallels the creative efforts in films where every frame is strategically placed culminating in a timeless  "working" masterpiece.   Hugo's strong will and stubbornness pushes him to seek the truth and in finding the truth fixes himself and others.  The cinematography, acting, script, visual effects and storyline is marvelously brilliant.

Hugo is a warm and well told story sending a message to take notice of others and to comprehend the thin and frail thread that binds humanity.   A salute to film making, to the well told story and acting with the reminder not to stop, nor settle, and instead run forward embracing life with adventure and purpose.   The movie grips the audience from beginning to end with laughter, tears, and awe. Cohen is funny yet seriously touching and Butterfield is captivating as Hugo.  Johnny Depp produced the movie and Martin Scorsese, directed the film.  Both are strategically placed in Hugo for a brief moment. This is one film that will not be forgotten.  Don't miss Hugo in 3D!

Hugo is nominated for 11 Oscars including Best Picture 2011.   Prediction - will take the Best Picture Oscar.

Side note: After seeing the film - google George Melies and Martin Scorsese whose childhood was spent looking through windows.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

The Artist (2011): Jean Dujardin, Berenice Bejo, John Goodman

The Artist is a romantic comedic silent movie with brilliant acting, zero dialog and set solely in black and white film. The story surrounds a very famous silent movie star, George Valentin, played by Dujardin, who is confronted with a new opportunity to appear in  "talkies".  Fearing change, the unknown, or stubbornly sticking with bygone silent film successes, Valentin, clings to the past rather than embracing the present.  Peppy Miller, Bejo, is an up and coming silent film star who eagerly embraces "talkies" and consequently becomes a famous talking movie star.  Valentin's choices are the polar opposite. Valentin and Miller lives are intertwined in an old school love story.  The acting is superb, movie mesmerizing and the cinematography is reminiscent of the film, Rosebud. Moreover, the dog steals the show. The story examines change and reminds everyone that the world is constantly evolving.  Life's journey is to try, change, fail, succeed or forever remain frozen in the past.  Dujardin is nominated for Best Actor in a film; Bejo nominated for Best Supporting Actress in a film; The Artist - nominated for Best Picture; The Artist - 10 nominations.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Oscar Nominations - The 84th Academy Awards - February 26, 2012

The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences released the Oscar nominations for The 84th Academy Awards to be held on Sunday, February 26, 2012.    The Academy votes are based on nostalgia, the story, script, acting, artistry and production.  They do not care for movies like Transformers.  And, instead select nominations for well crafted and developed films.  The voters are comprised of  the Hollywood elite including actors, actresses from young to old, producers and others connected with the film industry. Started in 1927 and is by invitation only - 5000 members. Let the final voting begin!!  And, as for evening black tie fashion - wait and see!

Snubs:  Tilda  Swinton, Shailene Woodley, Leonardo DiCaprio, Ryan Gosling, Steven Spielberg, Albert Brooks, David Fincher
Surprises:  Demian Bichir
First Time Nomination:  Gary Oldman - Tinker Tailor soldier Spy
Most Nominations:  Hugo - 11; The Artist - 10

Here are the nominees in the top categories:

Best Picture:
"The Artist"
"The Descendants"
"Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close"
"The Help"
"Midnight in Paris"
"The Tree of Life"
"War Horse"

Best Actor:
Demian Bichir, "A Better Life"
George Clooney, "The Descendants"
Jean Dujarin, "The Artist"
Gary Oldman, "Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy"
Brad Pitt, "Moneyball"

Best Supporting Actor:
Kenneth Branagh,  "My Week with Marilyn"
Jonah Hill, "Moneyball"
Nick Nolte, "Warrior"
Christopher Plummer, "Beginners"
Max von Sydow, "Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close"

Best Actress:
Glenn Close, "Albert Nobbs"
Viola Davis, "The Help"
Rooney Mara, "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo"
Meryl Streep, "The Iron Lady"
Michelle Williams, "My Week with Marilyn"

Best Supporting Actress:
Bérénice Bejo,  "The Artist"
Jessica Chastain, "The Help"
Melissa McCarthy,  "Bridesmaids"
Janet McTeer, "Albert Nobbs"
Octavia Spencer,   "The Help"

Monday, January 16, 2012

Golden Globes 2012 - Elegant Fashion and Hilarious Moments

Ricky Gervais was witty and mildly sarcastic, which made for a delightful show with the usual boring thank you speeches and odd quirky moments.  The award shows are always a bit dull.   Overall, here is a quick take on the overview of the Golden Globes 2012. 

Top Movies in 2011: All contain an underlying theme: Change, acceptance, no blame game and new beginnings

The Descendants, won the Golden Globe: workaholic who needed to change his life and becomes both mom and dad while is wife is in a coma; War Horse: boy separated from horse, Joey, during WWI; MoneyBall: with a losing streak, tries something new and becomes a winning team; Melancolia: sister tries to change a mentally ill sister into a sunny person but no avail with a planet nearing earth; The Artist: actor in silent films refuses to embrace "talkies" and falls to the wayside of the movie industry only to start anew; The Help: a writer telling the story of the "help" and the society women during the civil rights movement in the 60's. Tree of Life:  simpler times, harsh discipline, warm mom, tough dad, war, tragedy yet all that is living is connected.

Yes, movies in 2011were uplifting, funny, imaginative, dramatic, with great scripts and overall upbeat.  Thanks too  Hollywood heavyweights Harvey Weinstein, Steven Spielberg, Martin Scorsese, Woody Allen, Alexander Payne for backing and developing good films that entertained. A fine year of film. 

Top Television Shows 2011:  Refreshing, well written and many actors are clamoring to be on a television series.  Best writing is on the cable channels.

Top Golden Globe Awards:
  • Best Actor: George Clooney - well deserved.  He is the "true movie star" among movie stars.  Watch him work the room. 
  • Best Actress: Meryl Streep - completely unexpected.  She hoped Viola Davis would win.  Her dress and hair were horrid but again she is Meryl Streep. Why the swearing on stage?
  • Best Supporting Actor: Christopher Plummer - well deserved.  82 and still is brilliant on screen.
  • Best Supporting Actress:  Octavia Spencer - graceful, gorgeous and accomplished.  Well deserved. Best speech of the night.  A class act!
  • Best New Television Show:  Homeland
  • Best Actor in a Television Drama Series:  Kelsey Grammer - Boss - Yes!
  • Best Actress in a Television Drama Series:  Claire Danes -Homeland - Yes!
  • Best Television Comedy:  Modern Family
  • Best Movie Drama:  The Descendants
  • Best Movie Comedy:  The Artist

Vogue Fashion:  -  Fashion words of the night were elegant, charming and stunning.  The dress hues ranged from icy white, soft creams, pale flesh tones, vivid reds, emerald greens, cheery yellows and in fitted silhouettes. Men in primarily midnight blue tuxes.  Of course, only a very few missed the memo and lacked grace on stage and in apparel. Fashion couple of the night: Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie.    More on fashion on Forever Chic Style blog later this week.

Enjoy!  Oscars are next!!!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

69th Annual Golden Globes - Sunday - January 15 - 5:00 PM - NBC: Predictions

Voted by the Hollywood Foreign Press Association - working journalists who cover the US - 90 members, 55 countries with 250M readership.  The Artist is getting rave reviews from the press.  Have not seen The Artist, Ides of March, Hugo or The Iron Lady.  More reviews to come after The Golden Globes.

Forever Chic Cinema - Predictions:
  • Best Motion Picture- Drama:  War Horse - though - The Descendants (Descendants might get the nod - last year The Social Network with The Kings Speech winning the Oscar).  
  • Best Performance by an Actress in a Motion Picture:  Viola Davis - The Help
  • Best Performance by an Actor in a Motion Picture:  Brad Pitt - Moneyball.   Pitt will get the Oscar in February for The Tree of Life.
  • Best Motion Picture - Comedy or Musical: Bridesmaids - Might go to The Artist
  • Best Performance by an Actress in a Comedy or Musical: Kristin Wiig
  • Best Performance of an Actor in a Motion Picture - Comedy or Musical:  Ryan Gosling - Crazy, Stupid, Love
  • Best Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role in a Motion Picture:  Octavia Spencer - The Help
  • Best Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role in a Motion Picture: Jonah Hill - Moneyball
  • Best Televison Series:  Homeland
  • Best Television Series - Actress:  Claire Danes - Homeland
  • Best Television Series - Actor: Kelsey Grammer - Boss
  • Best Television Series - Comedy or Musical:  Modern Family
  • Best Performance Actress in Television Series Comedy or Musical:  Amy Poehler - Parks & Recreation
  • Best Performance Actor in Television Series Comedy or Musical: Alec Baldwin - 30 Rock
For Forever Chic Style Fashion - stay tuned.  Red carpet fashion - long glorious form fitting gowns and tuxes.  Everyone looking their award winning best!  And, Ricky Gervais will be hilarious!

    Thursday, January 12, 2012

    Harry Potter and the Deadly Hallows: Part 2 (2011): Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, Emma Watson

    Harry Potter novel series, J.K. Rowling, as of June 2011 sold $450M copies. Harry Potter films have grossed approximately $7.7B worldwide. 

    Harry Potter and the Deadly Hallows, Part 2, is the last movie in this phenomenal book and film series that has captivated the imagination from the young and old for ten years.  Radcliff, Grint and Watson search for Voldermots remaining Horcruxes in the finale with the imminent desire to put an end to Lord Voldermot forevermore. Madcap storyline, visual effects with mesmerizing acting culminate in the finest hour.  Closing the saga is indeed bittersweet for Potter followers.  This final chapter is dark, wrestles good versus evil, sadness versus joy and completely satisfying for the viewer.   Sadly, good things all must come to an end. Hats off to J.K. Rowling for writing the series with passion and too the movie industry, which brought the books to life. Art, film and storytelling at its finest hour.  Peoples Choice Awards, 2011, gave Harry Potter and the Deadly Hallows: Part 2 the award. Rightfully so.  The peoples movie series of the last decade.  BRAVO!

    MUST SEE: A film series to be watched over and over again with enthusiasm and joy.  Do not miss the finale.

    Wednesday, January 11, 2012

    Bridesmaids (2011): Kristen Whig; Maya Rudolph, Melissa McCarthy, Jill Clayburgh, Rose Byrne

    Bridesmaids is the ultimate adult girlfriend flick where one woman's envy, Whig as Annie Walker, competes with new friend, Bryne, Helen Harris over Rudolph, Lillian's friendship during her pre-wedding events.  An outrageous  and over the top comedy about unconditional love, unappreciated love via Mad Men's , John Hamm,  and every other component in between that exists in women's friendships.  Whig is absolutely hilarious along with McCarthy, Megan and Rudolf in the film.   The plane and car scenes are burst out loud worthy.  A couple of scenes are a bit gross but still funny with eyes shut.  Plan to laugh, cry and remember women need to love another rather than be jealous or envious of another's life.   For when the comparisons are examined, everything isn't as it seems.   Whig learns that appearances are indeed deceiving.  Learning to love oneself is the greatest gift to self and to others. And, McCarthy, teaches Whig the hard way with tough love.  Laugh, cry and cheer this crazy group of girlfriends coming together for a wedding..  Remember - stop the competition madness with other women!  Embrace one another.

    MUST SEE - The men will like it too.  Funny they must see the crazy side of women's world and friendships.  Enjoy!!!  Watched it twice.

    Tuesday, January 10, 2012

    The Tree of Life (2011): Brad Pitt, Sean Penn, Jessica Chastain

    One man's, Jack, Penn, flashback on his life in the 1950's with a tough yet loving dad, Mr. O'Brien, Pitt. Depicts family life during simpler times - lay in the grass and dream, obey parents, play outside, learn to be a young man or young woman with specific roles. Many of the scenes were similar to generations growing up in 1960's and 1970's teaching youth to be tough and feminine. Mrs. O'Brien, Chastain, is perfection in the classic mother role - loving, kind, caretaker and homemaker.  Conversely, this spiritual movie contains Planet Earth images showing the connection between all living things.  Finally, the overall message is without love, without grace, there is only nature. Nature is oblivious to actions whereas grace knows the difference. Beautiful film - for people contemplating the meaning of existence and understanding that every action, every word has a consequence and an outcome.  Grace is what we need in today's chaotic world.   The Tree of Life - excellent film.  Brad Pitt, will win Best Actor for Leading Role in a dramatic film at the Oscars for The Tree of Life and Jessica Chastain will win Best Support Role for an actor in a dramatic film.  Mark my words.

    MUST SEE:  Inspirational, moving, not typical film genre.  Excellent.

    The Help (2011): Emma Stone, Viola Davis, Octavia Spencer, Bryce Dalla Howard, Sissy Spacek, Allison Janney, Cicely Tyson, Jessica Chastain

    The Help is by far one of the best films of the year. If a fan of Ya Ya Sisterhood, the book and film and have read, "The Help", this flick is a must see. Three women, author Skeeter Phelan, Stone, Aibileen Clark, Davis and Octavia Spencer, Jackson, write a life altering book from the working maid's  point of view about the high society women during the 1960's.  The film is brilliant, with the ultimate mean girl, Hilly Hollbrook, Howard, and the new ditzy blonde on the block, Celia Foote, Chastian, combined with the maids, Davis and Spencer. The movie resonates for women who deal with the complicated and sometimes downright mean actions of other women.  Women can be a woman's worst enemy.  Additionally, the civil rights movement was occurring at the same time.  Davis and Spencer steal the show.  Frankly, mean girls are just mean and deserve chocolate pie!  Viola Davis, Octavia Spencer and Jessica Chastian will be nominated for an Oscar. 

    MUST SEE:  Personally, have seen the movie twice.  Emotional, well acted, funny, delightful and moving film.  And, Sissy Spacek is a riot and Holbrook, mean girl's, mom!

    The Descendants (2011): George Clooney, Shailene Woodley, Amara Miller

    Classic storyline of a workaholic father, attorney Matt King, Clooney, absent from his home life finds himself thrown into the mom’s role after a tragic accident leaves his wife in a coma.  Daughters, Alexandra King, Woodley, 17 and Scottie King, Miller, 10 are typical “4 seasons in a day” difficult young woman determined to make Clooney's life difficult. Clooney’s character is a descendant of an old Hawaiian family who owns 25K acres on Kauai, Hawaii.  His family cousins are in the process of selling off the land causing age old problems.  Film is well acted, moving, tearful and funny.  The Descendants - family bonding at its best:  Classic marriage, working husband, bored wife, difficult teen and precocious ten year old wrapped up in drama about coming together as a united family after a tragedy.  Clooney will be nominated for Best Actor in a Leading Dramatic Role at the Oscars.

    MUST SEE:  Drama, great acting, excellent script, funny and tearful.  All and all a good movie.

    Moneyball (2011): Brad Pitt, Jonah Hill, Robin Wright

    In 1997, Billy Beane, General Manager, Oakland A's, changes how the game of baseball is played by creating Baseball economics.  Based on the book, "Moneyball: the Art of Winning an Unfair Game".   Billy Beane, Pitt, hires Harvard graduated statistician, Peter Brandt, Hill, and together they hire players based on statistics rather than on popularity.  The acting is superb, baseball game exciting and the story keeps audience focused on the outcome. Excellent film about change; accepting change and what makes a team win versus losing.
    • #1: Team attitude combined with best skills of each team member.
    • #2: No one is a the team.
    • #: Always team - team - team.
    Great Quote:  "Winning isn't everything; Winning is the Only thing".  Vince Lombardi

    Brad Pitt will be nominated for Best Leading Actor in a Dramatic film and Jonah Hill, Best Supporting Actor in a Dramatic Hill.  Stay tuned - batter up for the Oscars!

    MUST SEE:  In theatres.  Feel good, great script and dialog and the ultimate sports team.  Believe in the team.

    The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo (2011): Daniel Craig, Christopher Plummer, Stellan Skarsgard, Joely Richardson, Robin Wright, Rooney Mara

    The Girl with a Dragon Tattoo is a bone chilling masterful mystery thriller. Cold, dank, grey and dark set the tone of film in the land of ice and snow. Riveting, brilliant acting, twists and turns, while captivating the audience. Three hour film icily skates from shot to shot with gripping detail. Island in Sweden, demented and dysfunctional family, journalist, Mikael Blomkvist, Craig, comes to solve a 40 year old murder with help of investigator extraordinare, Lisbeth Salander, Mara.  Lisabeth is deeply tormented, wickedly intelligent and crafty.  The book sold 50M copies in 46 countries. Film is a must see. One of the best films of the year. Warning - very violent. Cover eyes and cringe through a few scenes of violent rape. Rooney Mara is a contender in 2011 for Best Leading Actress in a film. 

    MUST SEE:  In theatre now.  Warning - violent scenes of rape.

      War Horse (2011): Jeremy Irvine, Emily Watson, David Thewlis

      Steven Spielberg has done it again! War Horse, is a film about a horse, Joey and young man named Albert, played by Jeremy Irvine, set in a sweeping tale of unconditional love between a man and a horse during WWI. The horse, Joey, travels great distances facing horrendous perils, yet poignantly changes lives along the way. Albert separated from Joey pursues an everlasting goal. The movie reminds us of the human condition, the horrors of war, and the unique brotherhood between mankind combined with the love of life and animals. The film's cinematography is reminiscent of the movie, Gone with The Wind. Breathtaking. Superb storytelling and acting along with the emotional pull that leaves one spellbound. Be ready to laugh, cry and too celebrate War Horse. Unforgettable.  Don't be surprised to see this film take a Golden Globe or two on 1/15 and an Oscar for Best Picture in February at the Oscars.

      MUST SEE:  Playing now in the theatre.   Will not forget this movie anytime soon! Memorable.

      The Kings Speech (2010): Colin Firth, Geoffrey Rush, Helana Bonama Carter

      The Kings Speech won Best Film of 2010!  Brilliant.  The film was hands down the best of the year.   Everyone in the theatre clapped with uplifting enthusiasm and joy.  This emotionally gripping true story is about a speech therapist, Lionel Logue, Rush, helping the future King George VI, Firth, have the courage to overcome a stuttering impediment and become King George VI with a clear voice on the brink of WWII.  Banter between Firth and Rush is unforgettable. Firth, won Best Actor for the film and deserved every inch of the golden statute. Witty and engaging. Reminding all that helping others is the ultimate reward in this life. Hollywood film at it's finest hour.

      RENT:  A Must SEE!  Do not miss this film.  Even Queen Elizabeth II enjoyed the film about her father.

      The Social Network (2010): Jesse Eisenberg, Andrew Garfield, Justin Timberlake

      The Social Network was perhaps the most influential film of 2010.  Why? Because the story is about the evolution of Facebook, which today allows people to interact on a broad scale basis between  friends, family, colleagues and complete strangers across continents.   The film is based on Facebook, founder Mark Zuckerberg, Eisenberg, a Harvard student who developed the social network program. Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss, Garfield, in the film claim Zuckerberg stole the social networking idea, while at Harvard.  In the end, the Winklevoss brothers and the co-founder were paid handsomely.  Timberlake is wickedly brash as Napster founder, Sean Parker.  Brilliant film on the evolution of The Facebook - Facebook. Interesting examination of college culture or for that matter group dynamics. To be or not to be...That is question. The story is well written, acting superb and overall a riveting film.  When it is all said and done - or all is fair in love and war - Facebook is here to stay.  Thank you - Zuckerberg.

      RENT:  Must see!  And, then comment on Facebook!

      The Fighter (2010): Mark Walhberg, Christian Bale, Amy Adams, Melissa Leo

      Based on a true story about Dicky Eklund, Bale, and Micky Ward, Walhberg. The tale revolves around Eklund, a former regional Welterweight boxing champion who has a cocaine addiction and the brother, Ward, who is an up and coming boxer.  Excellent and uplifting film about two brothers and the crazy world of boxing. The sibling rivalry, addiction, family dynamics and elements of boxing - create a riveting movie. The acting is superb.  Bale won Best Supporting Actor and Melissa Leo won for Best Supporting Actress in 2010.

      RENT:  Drama - Feel Good Movie!

      True Grit (2010): Jeff Bridges, Matt Damon, Hailee Steinfeld, Josh Brolin

      Remake of the original True Grit (1969) starring John Wayne and Kim Darby.  Premise -US Marshall, Rooster Cogburn, Bridges, and Mattie Ross, Steinfeld, track down her fathers murderer.  True Grit (2010) outshines the 1969 version with witty dialogue, western grit along with entertaining camaraderie between Bridges, Damon and Steinfeld.   Of course, the script is by the comedic Coen brothers.  Hailee Steinfeld, nominated in 2010 for Best Supporting Actress in a leading roll is terrific as Mattie Ross.  Brilliant acting, excellent script, rough and tough setting, tense, laughter too - better than the original. A Western that takes no mercy - harsh in a brutal world. Bridges is amazing as Cogburn and Damon is hilarious.

      RENT!   Definite must see! 

      Monday, January 9, 2012

      Black Swan (2010): Natalie Portman, Mila Kunis, Vincent Cassel

      Black Swan is a disturbing psychological thriller based on a ballerina's physically and mentally gruelling role in the ballet - The White Swan.  Portman, won an Oscar for Best Actress in 2010 for this movie. The portrayal of Princess Odette, White Swan, is brilliant along with the pirouette into insanity by becoming the Black Swan.  The film is deeply twisted and darkly meshed with jealousy, betrayal, lust, self loathing and a crazy parent with a  few typical Hollywood movie scenes.  Not uplifting or for the faint of heart. 

      PASS!  Unless enjoyment is found wallowing in dreary and depressing stories about dysfunctional personalities.  Seeing The White Swan at a ballet theatre seems more promising.

      Black Swan (2010) Trailer:

      The September Issue - Vogue Magazine - Documentary (2009): Anna Wintour, Grace Coddington

      The September Issue, documentary, overviews the making and designing of the holy grail of all fashion magazines - American Vogue.  This documentary focuses on the evolution of the highly anticipated fall September issue.  Anna Wintour, Editor-in-Chief of American Vogue is portrayed as a driven professional with the ability to either make or break a designer.  Her skills in assessing a designer's collection, fabrics, style and fit are legendary. Frankly speaking, Wintour, dictates what is in and what will be in season after season in the apparel industry.  However, Grace Coddington, Creative Director, steals the film with visionary and creativity talents used in laying out a seasonal collection against an artistic backdrop.  The magazine is a masterpiece of visual art.  Fashionista's alike soak up the photos splashed across the pages each month.  Shockingly, the beauty displayed on the cover and in the fashion rag does not occur in the office of Vogue employees.  Instead, these creative wizards prefer simple clothing and no makeup.  How perfectly chic.

      RENT IT!!!! - Brilliant, fascinating and a must see for fashionistas!

      The September Issue (2009) - Trailer:

      Premiere of The September Issue - 2009