Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Tree of Life (2011): Brad Pitt, Sean Penn, Jessica Chastain

One man's, Jack, Penn, flashback on his life in the 1950's with a tough yet loving dad, Mr. O'Brien, Pitt. Depicts family life during simpler times - lay in the grass and dream, obey parents, play outside, learn to be a young man or young woman with specific roles. Many of the scenes were similar to generations growing up in 1960's and 1970's teaching youth to be tough and feminine. Mrs. O'Brien, Chastain, is perfection in the classic mother role - loving, kind, caretaker and homemaker.  Conversely, this spiritual movie contains Planet Earth images showing the connection between all living things.  Finally, the overall message is without love, without grace, there is only nature. Nature is oblivious to actions whereas grace knows the difference. Beautiful film - for people contemplating the meaning of existence and understanding that every action, every word has a consequence and an outcome.  Grace is what we need in today's chaotic world.   The Tree of Life - excellent film.  Brad Pitt, will win Best Actor for Leading Role in a dramatic film at the Oscars for The Tree of Life and Jessica Chastain will win Best Support Role for an actor in a dramatic film.  Mark my words.

MUST SEE:  Inspirational, moving, not typical film genre.  Excellent.

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