Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Social Network (2010): Jesse Eisenberg, Andrew Garfield, Justin Timberlake

The Social Network was perhaps the most influential film of 2010.  Why? Because the story is about the evolution of Facebook, which today allows people to interact on a broad scale basis between  friends, family, colleagues and complete strangers across continents.   The film is based on Facebook, founder Mark Zuckerberg, Eisenberg, a Harvard student who developed the social network program. Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss, Garfield, in the film claim Zuckerberg stole the social networking idea, while at Harvard.  In the end, the Winklevoss brothers and the co-founder were paid handsomely.  Timberlake is wickedly brash as Napster founder, Sean Parker.  Brilliant film on the evolution of The Facebook - Facebook. Interesting examination of college culture or for that matter group dynamics. To be or not to be...That is question. The story is well written, acting superb and overall a riveting film.  When it is all said and done - or all is fair in love and war - Facebook is here to stay.  Thank you - Zuckerberg.

RENT:  Must see!  And, then comment on Facebook!

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