Sunday, December 23, 2012

Lincoln (2012): Daniel Day Lewis, Tommy Lee Jones, Sally Field

Lincoln is a masterpiece film about President Abraham Lincoln's final months of presidency during the second term.  The year is January 1865, and the war rages on between the Confederate Army,  comprised of 11 southern slave states, and the Northern Union states. 

Plus - Movie Created Need to Refresh Memory of the Civil War: Civil War Background - not explained in the film- sets the stage for understanding Lincoln's primary objectives.   The 11 southern states mission was to separate from the United States and become the Confederate States of America.  Thus, ensued an ugly war between cousin versus cousin and brother versus brother killing 600K by 1865. Think of Gone with the Wind, the novel and the infamous movie.   Lincoln in the second term of his Presidency must end the war.  The creation of the 13th Amendment was to end slavery.   The passage of the 13th Amendment was paramount in ending the horrors of bondage and keeping the United States united.  If Lincoln, ended the war, without the signage of the 13th Amendment, slavery would remain intact as the southern states would continue to oppose ending slavery.  Lincoln, a savvy politician, knew how to work within the Republican party, with the Democratic party and with those in both parties opposing the passage of this crucial amendment.  Upon ending the war, after the signing of the 13 Amendment, the slaves were free, the southern states were not punished and the United States was united as one.

The movie, Lincoln, was a reflection of how this one man changed the course of history.  Daniel Day Lewis, Lincoln, was brilliant at capturing the essence of Lincoln from the physical appearance and powerful presence, to capturing the tone of his voice (scholars recorded Lincoln's voice style) to how eloquently and thoughtfully he motivated and persuaded others to do his will.   Lincoln exhibited grace and a mastery in communication skills both written and verbal.   The performance was showstopping unforgettable.  Frankly, Lewis, stole the show from start to finish.  The remaining members of the cast were a bit blah and rather comical.  Unfortunately, the script for these secondary characters was weak. 

Saw this movie several weeks ago.   Today, December 23, 2012, the lasting impression of the film was Lewis's portrayal of Lincoln.   A true leader and one that is remembered and continues to this day to be admired and revered.    Lewis is Oscar bound for this stunning and mind blowing performance.   A one man play for Broadway should be in the works!

January 13, 2013:  Daniel Day-Lewis won Best Actor Action Motion Picture Drama at the 70th Golden Globes award show.

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