Sunday, December 23, 2012

Lincoln (2012): Daniel Day Lewis, Tommy Lee Jones, Sally Field

Lincoln is a masterpiece film about President Abraham Lincoln's final months of presidency during the second term.  The year is January 1865, and the war rages on between the Confederate Army,  comprised of 11 southern slave states, and the Northern Union states. 

Plus - Movie Created Need to Refresh Memory of the Civil War: Civil War Background - not explained in the film- sets the stage for understanding Lincoln's primary objectives.   The 11 southern states mission was to separate from the United States and become the Confederate States of America.  Thus, ensued an ugly war between cousin versus cousin and brother versus brother killing 600K by 1865. Think of Gone with the Wind, the novel and the infamous movie.   Lincoln in the second term of his Presidency must end the war.  The creation of the 13th Amendment was to end slavery.   The passage of the 13th Amendment was paramount in ending the horrors of bondage and keeping the United States united.  If Lincoln, ended the war, without the signage of the 13th Amendment, slavery would remain intact as the southern states would continue to oppose ending slavery.  Lincoln, a savvy politician, knew how to work within the Republican party, with the Democratic party and with those in both parties opposing the passage of this crucial amendment.  Upon ending the war, after the signing of the 13 Amendment, the slaves were free, the southern states were not punished and the United States was united as one.

The movie, Lincoln, was a reflection of how this one man changed the course of history.  Daniel Day Lewis, Lincoln, was brilliant at capturing the essence of Lincoln from the physical appearance and powerful presence, to capturing the tone of his voice (scholars recorded Lincoln's voice style) to how eloquently and thoughtfully he motivated and persuaded others to do his will.   Lincoln exhibited grace and a mastery in communication skills both written and verbal.   The performance was showstopping unforgettable.  Frankly, Lewis, stole the show from start to finish.  The remaining members of the cast were a bit blah and rather comical.  Unfortunately, the script for these secondary characters was weak. 

Saw this movie several weeks ago.   Today, December 23, 2012, the lasting impression of the film was Lewis's portrayal of Lincoln.   A true leader and one that is remembered and continues to this day to be admired and revered.    Lewis is Oscar bound for this stunning and mind blowing performance.   A one man play for Broadway should be in the works!

January 13, 2013:  Daniel Day-Lewis won Best Actor Action Motion Picture Drama at the 70th Golden Globes award show.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Skyfall (2012): Daniel Craig, Javier Bardem, Judy Dench

Skyfall is a fast pace retro James Bond cinema feat which poignantly celebrates the James Bond 50th year film franchise.   The movie is slick, darker than others with throwback gadgets and an older and craggy looking Bond.  For that matter, the tuxes, snow scenes or water antics with gorgeous women, martini's, casino's and colorful venues are sadly limited in this film.   However, this is precisely on point, since the film focuses on Bond's, Daniel Craig, death and subsequently resurrection to save boss M, Judy Dench, from the terrorists. Perhaps the idea was too kill off the debonair, delightfully suited and sexy Bond and revive the franchise with the "real" James Bond from the books who apparently is a tough and a harden killer spy.  Or so I have been told by an avid Bond fan.

Fresh faces add variety to the film.   Ralph Fiennes, Gareth Mollory, is a fussy man in charge of MI6 and wants M to retire due to her ripe old age. The youthful new Q, Ben Whishaw, is clever and quick witted to equal Bond's curiosity with handy gadgets and intelligent repertoire.  Naomi Harris, Eve, is a willowy and stunning beauty with a silky British voice who is Bond's right hand while chasing the villain.  Berenice Marlohe, Severine, is drop dead gorgeous, mesmerizing and the connection to the Bond's evil nemesis.   Just who is the villain in Skyfall?   The mastermind is Javier Bardem, Silva, a diabolical terrorist, once a MI6 agent, now turned, who is hilarious though eerily freaky with blond hair.  Brilliant performance.  

All and all, Skyfall, is GREAT fun, a renewal towards a more serious Bond rivaling Sean Connery.  This James Bond is similar to Jason Bourne or perhaps the upcoming action hero Jack Reacher.  Even though the Bond resurrection is a new phase in the franchise, the lavish sets, showstopping clothes, jewelry along with vivid action packed scenes set in Monaco with a debonair woman chasing Bond is missed.  Bet's are on James Bond novel and earlier film aficionados will enjoy this flick immensely.  Yes, Skyfall is a "martini shaken but not stirred".  Hopefully, the new film franchise is not moving towards, "Give me a beer please with a lime squeeze".

Friday, November 9, 2012

Flight (2012): Denzel Washington; Don Cheadle; John Goodman, Bruce Greenwood, Kelly Reilly

Flight is an action packed thriller focusing on a frightening airline crash and its aftermath.  The film opens with Denzel Washington, Whip Whittaker, an alcohol and cocaine abuser, arriving to pilot the plane on just an "ordinary day".  102 passengers are safely buckled in as the plane soars into a violent storm while traveling from Florida to Georgia.   The turbulence scenes sends chills down the spine as the plane maneuvers through the benevolent lightening, rain and ominous clouds.

Whip, a seasoned airline pilot, miraculously lands the plane after a flight malfunction and is declared a hero, saving almost all aboard.  However, questions arise, which leads to the confrontation of a personal battle as well as solving the mystery of landing. Bruce Greenwood, Charlie Anderson, is Whip's friend and the represents the airline union.  Don Cheadle, Hugh Lang, is brilliant as the tough and gifted lawyer representing Whip.  Kelly Reilly, Nicole, is Whip's love interest with a common bond.  Of course, John Goodman, is downright hilarious as Harling Mays, a drug dripping supplier, creating comic relief to this messy tale.  

Flight is a well told story with believable actors, Washington at his best, that grips the audience from start to finish.  Of course, afterwards the thought of flying will be questioned and of course, the self destructive behavior in the flick definitely leaves one squeamish.  All and all a thought-provoking, fast action and memorable film.  Not for the "fear of flying" crowd!  Nor, will the film EVER be seen on an in-flight airplane!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Argo (2012): Ben Affleck, Bryan Cranston, Alan Arkin, John Goodman

The year is 1979 and the President is Jimmy Carter.  On November 4, 1979, an angry mob overtook the U.S. Embassy in Tehran, taking 60 Americans hostage and holding them for 444 days.   Within minutes of  President Ronald Reagan, being sworn into office, the hostages were finally released. 

Argo is a film based on a true event during the Iranian crisis, in which six Americans on this terrifying day escaped to the Canadian ambassador's home.   In 1980, CIA and Canada, knowing that it was a matter of time before the six are found and killed choreographed a mission to remove them under the guise of making a "fake" film.  Tony Mendez, Ben Affleck, CIA extraction specialist, leads the charge in orchestrating the mission. The six are frightened of leaving since outside the screaming mob reigns terror with hangings, killing and rampant chaos. Under Mendez persuasive skills, these six Americans obtain new identities with roles in a movie production such as camera man, director etc. Bryan Cranston as Jack O'Donnell is eerily like his tough character on  AMC's Breaking Bad.

Argo from beginning to end is a gut wrenching, nail biting and edge of the seat ordeal.  The heart will race with fear and the mind will fill with outright indignation and sheer outrage of this horrific situation.   The comic relief is Lester Siegel, Alan Arkin and John Chambers, John Goodman in ritzy Hollywood developing a fake office, fake movie releases, story boards and posters supporting the CIA mission. 

Ben Affleck, directed the film.  Argo, while dark and suspenseful reminds us of the frailty of the human condition and how irrational hatred can force man to the tipping point of insanity.  If there is one film to see this year - Argo is this movie. It is aptly fitting.

Sit through the movie credits to see the actual six Americans and the key players in this CIA operation.

Historian Gaddis Smith, "the crisis absorbed more concentrated effort by American officials and had more extensive coverage on television and in the press than any other event since World War II."

Monday, June 25, 2012

Moonrise Kingdom (2012): Edward Norton, Bruce Willis, Bill Murray, Kara Hayward, Frances McDormand, Jared Gilman

Moonrise Kingdom is a delightful, quirky and funny film set in 1965.  The film takes place on an island where Suzy, Kara Hayward, is on summer vacation and Sam, Jared Kilman, is at Camp Ivanhoe, where Scout Master Ward, Edward Norton, is the military leader with a big heart.   The plot is about two young children on the cusp of adulthood who experience first love and eagerly set out on an adventure unbeknownst to Suzy's eccentric lawyer speaking parents. Suzy, a serious soul, loves to read adventure books outloud and Sam is a wayward Khaki Scout/Beige, under Ward's military regime, on a mission to be with Suzy using Daniel Boone wilderness skills.  When discovered missing by Ward, Island Policeman, Bruce Willis, Suzy's not in love parents, Walt Bishop, Bill Murray, Laura Bishop, Frances McDormand, all wake up from dysfunctional lives as the wacky story unfolds.

Wes Anderson, director and writer, along with Roman Coppola, of Moonrise Kingdom has done it again!  If a fan of The Royal Tenenbaums, Fantastic Mr. Fox  and The Darjeeling Limited - Moonrise Kingdom aptly reigns amongst these hit films.  The cinematography is simple and a flashback to old style film making, such as A Christmas Story, while including an exemplary well honed comedic script combined with superb acting from a riveting cast.

1950, 1960 and 1970 adolescents will revel in memories of the playing in the woods, going to camp, following the rules, listening to music together, reading books and learning how to become adults and to survive the game of life.   The absence of cell phones, computers, video games, television and Facebook is refreshing and gratifyingly familiar.   Instead children interact with one another, entertain themselves and utimately learn self reliance and independence.

Moonrise Kingdom, is a zany and oddball movie, that warms the heart and is hysterically funny. A must see film that will be watched over and over again for years to come.  There are small cameos from Jason Schwartzman, Harvey Keitel and Tilda Swinton adding extra wit and fun to this absurd yet real montage of a different, yet simpler and perhaps wiser and more creative time period.  So, turn off the cell phone, but away the Ipad and all the other gadgets that fog the brain and enjoy a flashback down memory lane. Perhaps this movie is the start of something....One could only hope.